
CAssetManager.basePath "/mnt/wwwroot/95447/shebao.95447.com/assets" 是无效的. 请确定它是一个可被 Web server process 写入资料的目录.


126     }
128     /**
129      * Sets the root directory storing published asset files.
130      * @param string $value the root directory storing published asset files
131      * @throws CException if the base path is invalid
132      */
133     public function setBasePath($value)
134     {
135         if(($basePath=realpath($value))!==false && is_dir($basePath) && is_writable($basePath))
136             $this->_basePath=$basePath;
137         else
138             throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','CAssetManager.basePath "{path}" is invalid. Please make sure the directory exists and is writable by the Web server process.',
139                 array('{path}'=>$value)));
140     }
142     /**
143      * @return string the base url that the published asset files can be accessed.
144      * Note, the ending slashes are stripped off. Defaults to '/AppBaseUrl/assets'.
145      */
146     public function getBaseUrl()
147     {
148         if($this->_baseUrl===null)
149         {
150             $request=Yii::app()->getRequest();

Stack Trace

 /mnt/wwwroot/95447/shebao.95447.com/protected/views/shebao/list_bangzhu2.php(47): CBaseController->widget("CLinkPager", array("header" => "", "firstPageLabel" => "首页", "lastPageLabel" => "末页", "prevPageLabel" => "<<", ...))
42     'lastPageLabel' => '末页',
43     'prevPageLabel' => '<<',
44     'nextPageLabel' => '>>',
45     'pages'=>$pagebar,
46     'maxButtonCount'=>8,              
47     ));?>
48         </div>
49      </div>
51       <div class="sidebar">
52         <dl>
 /mnt/wwwroot/95447/shebao.95447.com/protected/controllers/ShebaoController.php(169): CController->render("list_bangzhu2", array("model" => Catalog, "dlm" => Catalog, "datalist" => array(Post, Post, Post, Post, ...), "pagebar" => CPagination, ...))
164             'datalist' => $datalist,
165             'pagebar' => $pages,
166             'hotlist' => $posthotmodel
167         ];
169         $this->render('list_bangzhu2', $tplVar);
170     }
172     public function actionShowbangzhu($id)
173     {
174         $bagecmsShow = Post::model()->findByPk(intval($id));
 /mnt/wwwroot/95447/shebao.95447.com/index.php(20): CApplication->run()
15 define('WWWPATH', str_replace(array('\\', '\\\\'), '/', dirname(__FILE__)));
16 $framework = dirname(__FILE__) . DS. 'framework'.DS.'yiilite.php';
17 $config = WWWPATH . DS .'protected'.DS.'config'.DS.'main.php';
18 defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG',true);
19 require_once ($framework);
20 Yii::createWebApplication($config)->run();
2024-04-19 00:01:18 nginx/1.24.0 Yii Framework/1.1.14